Berkeley Fluids Seminar

University of California, Berkeley

Bring your lunch and enjoy learning about fluids!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

3110, Etcheverry Hall, 12:00-13:00

Amirhossein Arzani (Mechanical Engineering, Berkeley)

Chaotic transport and Lagrangian wall shear stress structures in blood flow

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. Complex anatomies and the pulsatile nature of blood flow often leads to chaotic flow in large diseased arteries. Image-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to obtain blood flow information in aneurysms. Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) are computed to study the flow physics. The utility of these structures in studying chaotic mixing and transport, flow separation, and vortex wall interaction will be demonstrated. In the second part of the talk the concept of Lagrangian wall shear stress structures (WSS LCS) will be introduced. WSS is scaled to obtain a first order representation of near-wall velocity. Tracers representing chemicals in thin concentration boundary layers are tracked on the surface based on WSS. Formation of coherent structures from WSS trajectories will be shown. The WSS LCS provide a template for mass transport in high Schmidt number flows.

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Prof. Graham Fleming (Vice Chancellor for Research, UC Berkeley)

Prof. Eliot Quataert on behalf of The Theoretical Astrophysics Center and the Astronomy Department (UC Berkeley)

Prof. Philip S. Marcus on behalf of the Mechanical Engineering Department (UC Berkeley)

Prof. Michael Manga (Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley)

Prof. Evan Variano (Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley)

© Cédric Beaume