Berkeley Fluids Seminar
University of California, Berkeley
Bring your lunch and enjoy learning about fluids!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
3110, Etcheverry Hall, 12:00-13:00
Dr. Hans Johansen (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
Higher-order, Conservative Embedded Boundary Discretizations for PDE's
Embedded boundary (“cut cell”) approaches for solving PDE's have reduced cost for grid generation and computation, but increased complications around high accuracy, numerical stability, and other important discretization qualities. We present a general mathematical and software framework (based on our group's Chombo software framework), along with some examples of model problems and science applications we are developing. The biggest open questions involve tradeoffs, including stability (theory of "small cells") and reliability (complex geometry, software) issues, but in some cases these are outweighed by the benefits of conservation, accuracy, and performance.
Prof. Graham Fleming (Vice Chancellor for Research, UC Berkeley)
Prof. Eliot Quataert on behalf of The Theoretical Astrophysics Center and the Astronomy Department (UC Berkeley)
Prof. Philip S. Marcus on behalf of the Mechanical Engineering Department (UC Berkeley)
Prof. Michael Manga (Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley)
Prof. Evan Variano (Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley)